Supply Chain
What is Supply Chain?
Supply chain is a process of moving a commercial product from the place of origin to its users. It is a network of individuals, organizations, resources, activities, and technologies involved in moving a product to its customer.
How does Supply Chain work?
Types of Warehouses:
- Manufacturing Warehouse – This is where the product is manufactured
- Storage Warehouse – This is where the manufactured/procured items are stored
- Distribution Warehouse – This is the location from where the stored goods are distributed
- Stores – These are the last mile retail stores situated closer to a customer’s location
Transportation Process:
- From suppliers and manufacturing plants to storage warehouses
- Storage to distribution centers
- Distribution centers to stores
- Stores to homes
- Reverse logistics - this is meant to get the items back to the warehouse in case there is an issue with them
Yard Management Applications:
- This application manages movement of all trailers inside Walmart warehouses and store premises
Trailer Management System:
- This application is used to manage all the trailers carrying Walmart goods between distribution centers, fulfillment centers, and stores
Click here to know more.SparkTech Showcase applicants are free to work on any problem related to the sub-theme. Following are some examples to start:
- Imagine you are a customer in a store. Chart out ways to improve your shopping experience. You may find that the required items are not in stock. How can you use technology to ensure inventory is managed well so your favourite products are in stock?
- How would you optimize the inventory levels for a product between warehouses and store?
- How do you plan the transportation route for a delivery driver?
- Look for ways to determine if orders need to be fulfilled from the nearest store or from a warehouse
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The information provided by you will enable us to provide services that are related to the virtual event, Converge, scheduled on August 25, 2021 and August 26, 2021. By providing this information, you hereby consent to allow Walmart to collect, use, and disclose the information provided in the manner and for the purpose stated above. The information collected will be retained for the purpose of the above event and also for any hiring opportunities or future events that may arise or as may be required by any applicable law. We want to assure you that wherever your information is held, it is protected and secured in accordance with our security policies. If you want to know more about your privacy rights, please get in touch with WMGTS Ethics and/or refer to the Walmart Privacy Policy
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